A visitor walks past a brine lake at a Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile (SQM) lithium mine on the Atacama salt flat in the Atacama Desert, Chile, on Wednesday, May 29, 2019. Almost three-quarters of the world’s lithium raw materials come from mines in Australia or briny lakes in Chile, giving them leverage with customers scrambling to tie-up supplies. The mining nations hope to bring refining and manufacturing plants that could help kickstart domestic technology industries. Photographer: Cristobal Olivares/Bloomberg
A visitor walks past a brine lake at a Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile (SQM) lithium mine on the Atacama salt flat in the Atacama Desert, Chile, on Wednesday, May 29, 2019. Almost three-quarters of the world’s lithium raw materials come from mines in Australia or briny lakes in Chile, giving them leverage with customers scrambling to tie-up supplies. The mining nations hope to bring refining and manufacturing plants that could help kickstart domestic technology industries. Photographer: Cristobal Olivares/Bloomberg
Agencia Bloomberg

SQM, el segundo mayor proveedor de litio del mundo, regresa al mercado estadounidense de bonos de grado de inversión como parte de sus esfuerzos para alimentar la creciente demanda de baterías recargables utilizadas en vehículos eléctricos.

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